Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Week 5: Unit of Study

During this weeks class, we discussed non-fiction books. I thought it was really cool to break up Cynthia Rylant's book Whales and read it in random order. After doing that, we took a look at non-fiction books which were placed on out tables in front of us. We were to come up with different characteristics of non-fiction books. At first, I mentioned the idea of non-fiction books not having a beginning, middle or end. Quickly someone in class corrected me and said that stories such as Ruby Bridges do have an order. Also, I learned that books such as The Magic School Bus are considered non-fiction.

My favorite part of class was presenting out Unit of Study to a small group. I did mine on poetry. I went to the library and found a book by Shel Silversteen called Where the Sidewalk Ends. I was so excited! I could remember this book as a favorite from elementary school. While I was writing my Unit of Study, I found my self distracted by the urge to read more from Shel's book. I found an all-time favorite poem Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take The Garbage Out and I insisted on reading it to my roommates. They loved it! For my lesson, I printed out a poem for each person and had them highlight all of the strong verbs. The purpose was so they could see how the author tries to help the reader visualize the poem. For instance, an author wouldn't say, "She went to class." It would be better to say "She sprinted to class!" I found myself so excited about this lesson plan when I was presenting to my group that I was stumbling over my words and stuttering... So embarrassing, but fun nonetheless.

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