Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 8

I loved class this week! Even though I couldn't really relate any of the invitations to my topic, I enjoyed the different fun ideas to help foster good writing. I started out at the table with different objects. I chose to write a poem about a shell and it's different shapes and sizes. Then, I moved on to the table with pictures. I found myself writing more than I thought I could. I chose a beautiful picture of a valley with rolling hills, trees, and a sky with infinite colors. I imagined what it would sound like, feel like, and look like if I was there. I came out with a really good composition. Then I moved on to the found poem table where I made a poem about flowers blooming in the spring.

Also in class this week, we did a midterm evaluation of our notebooks. It was helpful to see which genres I chose to write the most. I would like to try writing more kids quotations. I always try to remember to put the ones I remember in my notebook but many times I forget. From my peer conferencing notes, I've noticed that I am a very informal writer. I never really think about type of genre I want to write about, I just write which sometimes makes my entries a little bland and repetitive. By the end of the semester I hope to mix it up a little more with more genres.

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