Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 3 First Week at University Elementary!

Today was our first day observing at University Elementary School. Lauren Austin and I have been placed into a first grade classroom together. As we walked in I was super nervous! After getting situated I started to feel more comfortable. The kids were definitely excited to have new guests in the room. One girl complimented me everytime she walked by smiling. "I like your hair." Ten minutes later... "Your shirt is really pretty." Five minutes later... "I like your shoes." She was too cute!! She definitely made me feel good about myself :). During class we got to observe them during spelling. They would clap, snap, and dribble an "invisable" basketball as they spelled each word together as a class. I thought that was a really easy and fun way for the kids to learn and practice their spelling words. We then watched them during literacy groups. During literacy groups, they read aloud what seemed like books for their specific reading level and the teacher kept a running record as they read. I can't believe that in two years I will be the teacher facilitating this kind of stuff. Overall, it was a really nice day at University Elementary School and I can't wait to get to know the kids as the semester progresses.

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