Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Semana Numero Dos!

Week two of class was a lot of fun! My favorite part was when we cut out pictures from magazines to put on our journals. I love how my journal is coming together and now has a personality :) I foresee the pictures I put on my journal being the inspiration for many future entries. I already have ideas! Finding pictures was a nice and relaxing way to wind down from the first week of classes and to just get to know my classmates whom I will be with all semester. I found that I had a lot of similarities with the girls sitting around me.

Another part of class I really enjoyed was learning about affective ways to teach spelling. Last year for my P251 field experience I was in a first grade classroom during their Writer's Workshop time. My cooperating teacher had me help the children in the editing phase where I was to revise spelling and other grammatical errors. There were many, many misspelled words. At that point in time, I had no clue how to effectively explain how to spell a word to a 7 year old... with the exception of helping them sound out the word. Figuring out whether a child is a visual or auditory learner will really be helpful to me as a future teacher to help troubleshoot where they are having a hard time.

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