Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Class!

After finishing the first day of class, I was relieved to find that a near 3 hour class was not as bad as I thought. Time seems to pass much faster when learning about something I am passionate about.. learning effective ways to help children become enthused about reading and writing. Although I am not much of a reader... or writer, I have a feeling this class will bring out the inner reader and writer within me.

The only time I could remember keeping a journal was elementary school. After reading the Dear America books, I was so enthused about keeping a diary... which lasted for about a month or so. In class today, we read two short excerpts from "The House on Mango Street" and "Never in a Hurry", two stories about the origins and meaning of names. Afterward, we were asked to write in our journal about our own name. I was stumped! What is so interesting about my name? After a while, I had to remind myself that there is no right or wrong thing to write. In the end, I came up with a poem of which I was very proud. :)

I am about finished with the book "A Writer's Notebook", which is assigned for next class. I have found the book to be very inspiring. It has made me very excited to start my own journal. Throughout the book, I have realized that writing doesn't have to be so complex. Focusing on the simple aspects of life can be very interesting on paper.

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