Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 11

I really enjoyed class today. My favorite part was the writing analysis. I really loved my kidwatching students' writing sample so I'm going to share:

On Saturday I woke my mom up. and Whele She wus getting awt uv Bed I wigalld my tooth awt. It did not hurt a but. My mom had a plow I was going to yos but I did not want the tooth fery to cume.

Um, ADORABLE! Reading my kidwatching student's journal is the type of thing that really excites me for my future as a teacher. I can not wait to be able to read cute compositions like this every day. I really enjoyed analyzing the writing samples and figuring out what I would do to help my student improve her writing.

My other favorite part of class was reading our photographs from the community. I brought in a photograph of the street corner by my house. I wanted to show how dark it is at night. I hate walking home in the dark from class. There is only one street light on the block. I find myself frequently looking behind me to make sure I'm not being followed. Simply looking at this picture inspired me to write a journal entry. I'm really getting some good ideas to help foster some good writing with my future students.

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