Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 12

I can't believe this is the last blog! This semester has flown by! I have really reeally enjoyed this class. I've learned so much. I'm sad that this class is coming to an end. This week we met with our writing partners and shared our rough drafts for our published writing. I decided to write a book of poems. I'm really enthused about it and I can't wait to share. Also this week we worked on our digital stories. Linda showed us an example of a few stories. One that I really liked was about a first year teacher. I can see how digital stories can be useful not only for my students to use but for me as well. My group and I decided to make a digital story about a day in the life of an education student. We had a lot of fun thinking of ideas and taking the pictures for our story. I think that it's going to be pretty funny and I hope the class thinks so too!

A preview from our digital story!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Week 11

I really enjoyed class today. My favorite part was the writing analysis. I really loved my kidwatching students' writing sample so I'm going to share:

On Saturday I woke my mom up. and Whele She wus getting awt uv Bed I wigalld my tooth awt. It did not hurt a but. My mom had a plow I was going to yos but I did not want the tooth fery to cume.

Um, ADORABLE! Reading my kidwatching student's journal is the type of thing that really excites me for my future as a teacher. I can not wait to be able to read cute compositions like this every day. I really enjoyed analyzing the writing samples and figuring out what I would do to help my student improve her writing.

My other favorite part of class was reading our photographs from the community. I brought in a photograph of the street corner by my house. I wanted to show how dark it is at night. I hate walking home in the dark from class. There is only one street light on the block. I find myself frequently looking behind me to make sure I'm not being followed. Simply looking at this picture inspired me to write a journal entry. I'm really getting some good ideas to help foster some good writing with my future students.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 10

MGRP week! This week we presented our MGRP projects! I thought everything went well. I really enjoyed listening to everyone's projects. I learned a lot about so many different things such as Kendra, Peyton Manning, Single-Parent families, being a vegetarian, Coco Chanel, etc. I learned a lot about my classmates today and how we all have so many different interests! Everyone seemed really passionate about his topic. The only problem was that I didn't get to see the projects that were being presented at the same time as mine.